AuthorDr Kamal Kishor

Dr. Kamal Kishor (MBBS, MD, DM, FSCAI) is a dedicated interventional cardiologist at Rama Heart Centre in Karnal, Haryana, India. He enjoys reading the latest research articles in the field of cardiology and has also contributed numerous articles to respected international cardiology journals.Dr. Kishor is dedicated to improving heart care by bringing the latest research into his practice, all to help his patients achieve better health outcomes.

Predicting Heart Attack-Is it possible?


Prediction of heart attack in near future, starts with a consultation of cardiologist, use of sophisticated online calculators for future risk prediction; ECGs, stress tests, and echocardiograms, as well as noninvasive angiography to unmask the hidden blockage; and invasive angiography, to assess cause for ongoing heart attack.

How to Monitor Blood Pressure at Home


Dr Kamal Kishor MBBS.MD.DM Cardiology Here are a few steps that need to be followed for accurate Blood pressure measurement: Do not consume tea/coffee/alcohol for at least 30 minutes before measuring the blood pressure. रक्तचाप मापने से पहले कम से कम 30 मिनट तक चाय/कॉफी/शराब का सेवन न करें। Measure your blood pressure twice a day on most of the 7-10 days span to have an idea about the blood...

Acitrom Or Warfarin-Patient Education


This is an educational post related to patients who are on warfarin and acitrom. If you are on acitrom or warfarin, you might be aware of INR, Vitamin K Diet, and the lifestyle modification, use of such drug demand. One must be very vigilant about diet and his/her lifestyle while on these drugs. I am writing this article, keeping in mind my patients who are on acitrom or warfarin. What is acitrom...

Acitrom and Warfarin-Walking on a Tight Rope


This is an educational post related to patients who are on warfarin and acitrom. If you are on acitrom or warfarin (together known as oral anticoagulants), you might be aware of INR, Vitamin K Diet, and the lifestyle modification, use of such drug demand. One must be very vigilant about diet and his/her lifestyle while on these drugs. I am writing this article, keeping in mind my patients who are...

What is Stress Echocardiography?


Stress echocardiography is a test that uses ultrasound imaging to show how well your heart muscle is working to pump blood to your body. It is most often used to detect a decrease in blood flow to the heart from narrowing in the coronary arteries. Why I have been advised Stress Echocardiography? Doctor may advise you to undergo Stress Echocardiography to rule out any blockage in blood vessels...

Diet & amp Life Style for Heart Failure


हार्ट फेलियर (Heart Failure) का  नाम सुनते ही कोई भी मरीज़ घबरा जाता है. “हार्ट फेलियर” असल में भ्रमित करने वाला शब्द/नाम है. हार्ट फेलियर का असल मतलब हार्ट का कमज़ोर होना है, न की फेलियर होना. हार्ट कितना भी कमज़ोर हो सकता है: थोड़े से लेकर बहुत ज्यादा. हार्ट फेलियर के मरीज़ बहुत अचछे से अपना जीवन व्यतीत कर सकते है; बशर्ते वो कुछ सावधानी रखें.यदि हार्ट फेलियर का कारण हार्ट की नसों में ब्लॉकेज है...

Diet & Life style after Heart Attack


खान पान 1.फल फ्रूट आप किसी भी फल का सेवन कर सकतें हैं. फल आपके स्वास्थ्य की जल्दी रिकवरी में मदद करेगा.धयान रहे: फल लेते समय आप अपनी शुगर/किडनी की बीमारी को न भूलें. अगर कोई फल आपकी शुगर की बीमारी(जैसे आम,केला इत्यादि) /किडनी की बीमारी(जैसे खट्टे फल इत्यादि) के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है तो उसका सेवन न करें. 2.शाकाहारी खाना आप कोई भी शाकाहारी खाना जैसे दाल,सब्जी,चावल,गेहूं,साग,कोई भी सब्जी इत्यादि खा...

Dr Kamal Kishor

Dr. Kamal Kishor (MBBS, MD, DM, FSCAI) is a dedicated interventional cardiologist at Rama Heart Centre in Karnal, Haryana, India. He enjoys reading the latest research articles in the field of cardiology and has also contributed numerous articles to respected international cardiology journals.Dr. Kishor is dedicated to improving heart care by bringing the latest research into his practice, all to help his patients achieve better health outcomes.
